
minecraftcapes minecraftcapes

The only capes that can be obtained on one's own, so far, in Java Edition are the migrator cape, which comes from migrating a Mojang account to a Microsoft account, and the vanilla cape, which comes from owning both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition in the same Microsoft account prior to June 6, 2022. We aren't asking for the Minecon capes to be free, but we are asking for something for players who will never be able to attend cape selection menu Java Edition We, the signers of this petition would like to have a chance at getting capes, rather than having to attend Minecon. Many players agree that this is unfair, and ones who are unable to attend Minecon and would like a cape are unable to get one. For the Minecon cape, as I said before, you must attend the convention to unlock one, and for the OF cape, you have to donate to Optifine to get one. The problem with this is that to obtain one of these capes you must pay for them. The only difference between these two capes is that while Minecon capes have a custom design that shows you were at Minecon, and Optifine capes can either be customized to look like a Banner from in the game, or a classical Optifine cape, with the "OF" logo on it, in any color the player desires.


If you donate to Optifine, you can get a cape for your character to wear in game, but it is only visible to other OF (Optifine) users, or players who have Optifine installed, and are running it. Also, there are Optifine capes, and if none of you are familiar with the modification "Optifine", it is basically a modification to Minecraft which can be described to enhance your gameplay experience by improving performance of the game, by disabling some video preferences in the settings, you can make Minecraft run much smoother with this mod, and it's the most popular Minecraft Modification up to this day.


Often times, this convention is held in some areas that most people are unable to travel to, because of distance, or inability to purchase a ticket to the convention. In order to get a Minecon cape, you must attend the convention "Minecon", hosted by Mojang, the creators of Minecraft. While these capes look cool, they are very hard to get. Have you ever seen players in Minecraft with cool, fancy Minecon or Optifine capes? If the answer to this question is yes, then you're probably one of the many players who have dreamed about having your own cape in Minecraft.
