In Word 2000 and earlier versions, adding a watermark is not quite as intuitive as it is in later versions. Find your graphic on your hard disk and click Insert. Click the Picture watermark radio button, and then click the Select Picture button. To use the Word XP or 2003 watermark command choose Format|Background and click Printed Watermark. More recent versions of Word have a special watermark command, but in Word 2000 you basically go into the header and insert the graphic. With a watermark, your text floats on top of the background graphic.

I used Word’s “watermark” feature to include them. Since the sample is a black and white newsletter, next I decided I wanted graphics on every page to make it a little more interesting. In this example newsletter, the graphics are somewhat delicate, so the masthead graphic uses a somewhat light, feminine font as well. Think about what kind of “look” you are trying to present. In other words, don’t chuck the first graphic you find into the newsletter. Well-designed newsletters use graphics that complement the typestyles. The example newsletter in this article is for a gardening group, so I found some flower-related graphics. To provide continuity in your newsletter, you want to create some type of graphic theme. But for simple newsletters, if Word is all you have, this article explains how you can create a simple newsletter without losing your mind. Move to a layout application such as Adobe InDesign or Quark XPress. If you want to create text jumps, add elaborate formatting, or send your newsletter to a printer, I suggest you avoid Word completely. Because you aren’t using text boxes for this type of newsletter, you often can’t easily continue an article on a non-contiguous page. So this article describes how to create a nicely formatted newsletter without resorting to text boxes. Having Word eat your carefully crafted newsletter is no fun. They are hard to work with, buggy, and sometimes cause program crashes. I contend that text boxes are one of the features Word users should fear. They added in a lot of half-baked features that many people don’t use because they are afraid to. At some point, Microsoft decided that Microsoft Word needed to be all things to all people.