They can take advantage of a much larger pool of users and files being shared. Now they can combine results and download files from multiple networks. File sharers are no longer forced to use just one network. The latest generation of P2P software is the multi-network client. Now thereÂs a host of networks, each with its own strengths and diehard users. ÂIn the post-Napster era, the first leader was Morpheus and Gnutella. "File sharing software is quickly evolving," said RazorPop founder and CEO Marc Freedman. The TrustyFiles 2.2 update provides more search results, more download sources, greater stability, and more features than the previous version. TrustyFiles now searches and shares files with the Kazaa, Gnutella, Gnutella 2, and Bit Torrent file sharing networks. TrustyFiles continues to be FREE with NO spyware and NO additional bundled software. TrustyFiles 2.2 features 100% native code and adds Bit Torrent network support. The performance-driven update cements TrustyFileÂs position as the leader in Multi-P2P network software. announced the release of TrustyFiles 2.2 Personal File Sharing software at.